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This tool converts GFXF to zip and vice-versa.
It is a CLI tool, meaning there is no GUI and you must use a terminal i.e. PowerShell.


ResourceLib is required for this tool. For more information, see the installation page.

7zip (or more specifically, it's shared library) is required for this tool. For more information, see the installation page.


Converting GFXF to zip:

GFXFzip convert <game> <input file path> <output file path>

The above command assumes that the .meta.JSON file is located at <input file path>.meta.JSON, to specify it, add the --metapath <meta file path> option.

If using the --folder option, <output file path> should be a path to a folder, and the tool will output the zip in that folder with the name <input file name>.zip.

Rebuilding zip to GFXF:

GFXFzip rebuild <game> <input file path> <output file path>

The above command will output the .meta.JSON file to <output file path>.meta.JSON, to specify it, add the --metapath <meta file out path> option.

If using the --folder option, <output file path> should be a path to a folder, and the tool will output the GFXF and meta.JSON in that folder with the name <hash of GFXF>.GFXF and <hash of GFXF>.GFXF.meta.JSON respectively.

The Zip File

A quick few notes about the zip file the tool outputs:

  • There can only be one file ending with .gfx and the tool outputs this as the name of the .swf from the file hash (if available, otherwise it will be the <hash of GFXF>.gfx).
    • If there is more than one, the tool will fail to convert.
  • The meta.json file only contains the hash of the file being input originally, it is required.
    • This is used when the --folder option is specified, to allow for tools like SMF to use this tool without knowing the file hash.


usage: GFXFzip [--metapath path] [--folder] mode game input_path output_path

positional arguments:
    mode            the mode to use: convert or rebuild.
    game            the version of the game to convert/rebuild from/to:
                        H2016, H2, or H3
    input_path      path to the input file
    output_path     path to the output file (or folder if using --folder)

optional arguments:
    --metapath      input/output path for the .meta.JSON (RPKG Tool!)
    --folder        if the output_path is set to a folder.
                        should be used if ther output hash is unknown